In the 2013 elections at International Academy of Comparative Law, which is based in Paris, Syed Imad-ud-Din Asad [LL.M. (Harvard); Advocate, High Court; Founder and Director, Center for Law and Policy; Founding Director and Associate Professor, UMT School of Law and Policy] has been elected an associate member--- the first from Pakistan--- of the Academy. The result was formally announced by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Basedow [Professor, University of Hamburg; Co-Director, Max Planck Institute of Comparative and International Private Law; Secretary General, International Academy of Comparative Law] in a letter dated 17 June 2013.
The Academy was founded at The Hague on 13 September 1924. Its principal aim is the comparative study of legal systems. The Academy's primary activity is to convene, at intervals of four years, International Congress of Comparative Law, which provides an opportunity to examine various problems that confront all or most legal systems.
The body of knowledge contained in the general reports, which are published after each Congress, as well as the national reports published by various national committees, provide information and analysis not to be found elsewhere. The Academy also publishes thematic books containing the general reports and the national reports on the main subjects presented during the recent congresses. The Academy, in other words, plays a vital role in stimulating research in comparative law throughout the world.
The names of Roscoe Pound, Louis Milliot, Baron Frédericq, C.J. Hamson, Imre Szabo, John Hazard, Paul Crépeau, who have served as its presidents, are indicative of the prestige that the Academy has always enjoyed.
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